We provide independent advice and support to major employers engaged in accelerated learning – shaping their workforce of tomorrow, today.
We are not tied to any technology or vendor and free to offer you a bespoke best-breed-solution incorporating one or more highly innovative learning acceleration approaches.
It is likely that any programme we scope or specify will have some digital dimension. In that sense all of our projects include elements of blended learning.
Learning Accelerators draws on approaching thirty years of practical and commercial experience of specifying, planning, buying designing and developing custom-made and customised learning solutions for major national and international clients.
No longer tied to any single technology or vendor, we are now free to offer you a bespoke best-breed-solution that could incorporate one or more of the following highly innovative acceleration technologies.

Our Solution Stack
Blended Learning Accelerators
Adaptive Learning Accelerators
M-Learning Accelerators
DV Learning Accelerators
VR Learning Accelerators
AI-Learning Accelerators