Our Services
We provide independent advice and support to major employers engaged in accelerated learning initiatives – shaping their workforce of tomorrow, today.
Table d'hôte
Learning Accelerators offers a set of simple menu of packaged service options aligned with the six phases of a typical accelerated learning project.
Our Performance Consultants work directly with key client stakeholders and the likely target audience to fully define and document the human and business performance challenges the accelerated learning solution must address.
This Exploration phase activity typically references the same management information that led to the problem first being identified, cross referenced against other data you may hold. We then carry out the root-cause analysis to confirm that the problems are arising (in whole or in part) as a result of inappropriate behaviours due to attitude, knowledge or skills gaps.
Where management, tools or environment issues are contributory factors we highlight these and isolate those factors from the scope of the project. We then map the size, distribution and key characteristics of the target audience and the number of key stakeholders that need to be consulted during the Specification phase of activity. Finally, we produce an Exploration Report, which details the steps needed to execute the necessary Learning Needs Analysis, Training Options Analysis and any other relevant activities needed to produce a full Specification.
Learning Accelerators will typically submit an optional priced proposal for further advice and support to be provided during the Specification phase of activity at this point.
During the Specification phase, we operate within time and budget constraints agreed at the Exploration phase above to specify the optimum solution in detail.
The main deliverable from the this phase of work will be a detailed Specification Report that:
- identifies the overall scope of the solution
- establishes the overall learning objectives and learning strategy for the solution
- defines the specific learning points for each unit and sub-unit of learning
- defines the approach for measuring learner performance and subject mastery
- specifies the optimum path for each identified audience group or sub-group
- identifies the most appropriate technology and media mix for presenting the learning content
- defines the most suitable interaction style for each learning unit, including:
• tutorial
• drill and practice
• guided simulation
• unguided simulation
• documentation
• question and answer - estimates the duration of accelerated learning for each element
- defines the optimum technology infrastructure to support the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the programme
- identifies the optimum strategy for development and deployment
- calculates the time, resources and budget likely to be required to produce the recommended solution
- sets out a thorough evaluation plan explaining how the success of the accelerated learning intervention.
The Specification Report summarises all of the above information and forms the basis for the Statement of Work required for the Supplier Sourcing phase of activity.
We typically submit an optional fixed price proposal for support with Supplier Sourcing at this point.
Whilst Learning Accelerators is strictly vendor-neutral, we have an outstanding knowledge of the market for accelerated learning products and services.
We draw on this expertise to provide advice and support to client Supplier Sourcing and procurement professionals in drawing up a shortlist of potential suppliers preparatory to issuing Requests for Proposals (RfP’s) .
The initial selection and down-selection process becomes far more straightforward for clients to administer because the level of detail in our Specification (Statement of Work) is so high. The process is also likely to deliver better value for money because vendors know that all bidders are quoting against an identical, highly detailed specification on a level playing field.
Our consultants are typically present for Supplier Presentations following receipt of bids and will probe and offer advice as needed.
Learning Accelerators is also able to offer Clients the option of outsourcing the management of the supplier sourcing, short-listing and RfP steps to ourselves, under conditions of mutual transparency and full disclosure. However the final supplier selection and all contract negotiations beyond the selection of a preferred bidder must be led directly by Client employed commercial specialists.
In our experience the supplier contracting process is more likely to run smoothly when working with the suitably detailed Specification (Statement of Work) typically provided by Learning Accelerators.
Once pre-contract negotiations commence Learning Accelerators will typically submit an optional priced proposal for further advice and support to be provided during subsequent design and development activities.
Where a solution or solution component requires custom Design, we support, shape and assure this process as appropriate.
For larger projects we typically recommend that management of the project be coordinated through the following three teams:
• Project Steering Group
• subject matter expert team
• learning experience development team.
The role of the Project Steering Group is to ensure that all project activities remain consistent the specification, and to provide a communication link between the various stakeholders. The PSG’s role is to:
• monitor progress against plan
• facilitate timely resolution of major issues to ensure that targeted milestones are met
• provide approval for changes emanating from detail identified during the design and / or development phases.
Where Learning Accelerators has previously executed the Exploration and Specification phases of activity we recommend that our consultant attends all Project Steering Group meetings to support stakeholders in discussions with the supplier(s) throughout design and development. Our specialist expertise thereby acts as a counterweight to the supplier own experts in discussions about change requests and alterations to the project plan.
In the event of challenges or conflicts arising when design drafts are discussed it can be helpful for Learning Accelerators personnel to facilitate discussions between the learning experience development team and the subject matter expert team who sign-off their design documentation.
In large modern projects, design and development activity typically takes place in parallel rather than as separate phases.
Where multiple suppliers are engaged and there is a requirement for a set of deliverables from a supplier to inter-operate with those from another it makes sense for Learning Accelerators to remain engaged in both design and Development reviews.
In these circumstances our consultants will participate in the review of supplier deliverables for each milestone specified in the project plan.
At the point that the final project deliverables are accepted and the programme deliverable roll-out commences, Learning Accelerators will confirm a fixed price for the execution of the Evaluation Plan previously set out in our Specification Report.
A thorough plan for measuring the success of the accelerated learning intervention will previously have been detailed in the Specification Report described above.
Learning Accelerators will independently execute this Evaluation plan and provide a comprehensive report to confirm the extent to which your accelerated learning programme has achieved the desired human and business performance impacts.
A LA CARTE Options
We recognise that some clients may prefer to engage our services on a more flexible ‘time and materials’ basis to work under the direction of your personnel.
In these circumstances we are pleased to offer the following flexible menu of configurable service options:
- performance consultancy
- job and task analysis.
- learning needs analysis
- learning options analysis
- simulation fidelity analysis
- supplier sourcing/selection
- project management*
- learning experience design*
- learning experience development*
- learning experience facilitation*
- evaluation and ROI consultancy
Day rate quotations are available on request.
*NB Learning Accelerators does not offer project management, design, development, delivery or facilitation services as part of our Table d’hôte menu. This would represent a conflict of interest with our exploration, specification and evaluation obligations.